Glass Beads 

Small, lightweight and stable 

Glass beads are small, lightweight, and chemically, mechanically and thermally stable beads with an excellent resistance to water and oil. These performance characteristics are possible only thanks to the use of silanes. 

The possible use cases for glass beads are extremely diverse. Thanks to their dimensional stability and light weight, they are used in many different synthetic materials and polymers, and in adhesives, coatings and structures as low-weight fillers that improve the performance of the formulation. Because the beads are nonconductive, they are also used for the insulation of electronic components. However, their high abrasion resistance also means that they are used for cleaning metal surfaces for example, or for markings on roads and at airports, where their highly reflective properties provide a high level of safety at night and on wet roads. 

Excellent performance in glass beads thanks to silanes 

One thing applies for all the applications mentioned above: The glass beads must be embedded in an organic matrix (made from polymers, resins, colors or paints, for example) that they must be permanently bonded to. It is precisely this that forms the challenge during manufacturing, as glass bonds very poorly to the organic components – particularly in the presence of moisture. 

Functionalized Dynasylan® brand silanes ensure efficient coupling in this instance. After production, the glass beads must be reheated and their surface modified through the use of silanes. The silicon group of a silane reacts with the surface of the glass beads, while the functional organic side groups of the silane facilitate a permanent interaction with the organic matrix. The silane thereby couples the organic matrix to the inorganic glass surface to create a permanent chemical bond. 

Conclusion: In the production of glass beads, silanes ensure good processing qualities, the homogeneous distribution of the individual components and a permanent mechanical bond, thereby ensuring excellent performance and a long lifespan in the respective application.

Extensive portfolio and comprehensive advice 

Evonik provides and extensive product range of functionalized Dynasylan® brand silanes and an extensive portfolio of water-based oligomers and functionalized silane-hydrolysates under the Dynasylan® HYDROSIL brand. The experts at Evonik provide glass bead manufacturers with technical advice concerning the selection of suitable silanes and support them throughout the subsequent production steps. First and foremost, Evonik’s priority is the shared sustainable success and trusting long-term relationships with its customers. In turn, customers can rely on supply security and comprehensive support. 

The benefits at a glance: 

  • Improved adhesion between glass beads and the organic matrix 
  • Easier processing of the sized glass beads 
  • Reduced amount of resins and binding agents needed 
  • Improved durability of the sized glass beads 
  • Longer lifespan of the end product