
Strong internal cohesion, improved durability, and firm adhesion 

Adhesives are for firmly connecting two materials. They do this with their surface adhesion and the internal strength of the formulation, or its cohesion. Silanes from the Dynasylan® portfolio can support these effects, simplifying the formulation of the adhesive and improving its adhesive effect. 

Silanes form a covalent bond 

Organofunctional silanes are capable of bonding with both inorganic and organic surfaces. If reinforced fillers with reactive surfaces are used, e.g., OH groups, a Dynasylan® reinforcing agent forms a strong covalent bond between the inorganic filler and the organic polymer system via molecular bridges. 

In addition, it is also possible here to crosslink the polymer, the resins and other formulation components or to form an interpenetrating network via the silanes. 

Great care must be taken when choosing this reinforcing agent, as it contributes to numerous effects: The internal cohesion of the adhesive improves, while fewer filler agglomerates are formed in the polymer mass, in turn enabling better mixing of the solid particles during formulation.  

The methacrylfunctional Dynasylan® MEMO could form a coupling of OH group containing fillers with the polymer in radical curing polymers e.g., acrylates or UPE. Epoxy-functional silanes like Dynasylan® GLYMO or VPS 4721 can be used in the resin component of structural 2K epoxy adhesives or in 1K epoxy adhesives, while amino functional silanes can be used in the amino hardener of 2K epoxy adhesives. 

Untreated and treated reinforcing agents 

Dynasylan silanes® for reinforcement can be used in adhesives and sealants in a variety of ways: For example, they can be mixed directly into the formulation as an additive. However, depending on the application, it may also be useful to coat a filler with a silane from the Dynasylan range® and then add it to the formulation. 

The demand for transparent products is also increasing in the adhesives and sealants industry. Silanes can also positively influence the transparency of fillers: through improved compatibility or by approximating the refractive indices of fillers and polymers through a silane coating. Dynasylan®-modified fumed silica of the AEROSIL® brand, which is particularly fine-particle and therefore better suited than other fillers to produce transparent adhesives and sealants; is the ideal choice here. The Dynasylan® coating can also improve the end product's rheological and mechanical properties, water resistance, and storage stability. 

The benefits at a glance: 

  • Ensures transparency and reinforcement 
  • Improves mechanical properties and durability 
  • Adjust rheological properties 
  • Formulation can be processed more easily