Zinc Dust Paints for heavy corrosion 

Environmentally friendly protection thanks to Dynasylan® SIVO 140 

Ships, harbor walls, oil rigs and coastal bridges are all continuously exposed to salt water. Normal corrosion protection is not sufficient to protect these structures from such harsh environmental conditions. Industrial plants, pylons and power lines in areas with extreme weather conditions and temperatures also need the very best rust protection. 

Corrosion protection coatings based on Dynasylan® SIVO 140 take advantage of zinc’s good protective properties and have proven effective even under the toughest conditions. Two-component zinc dust paints are used wherever steel parts need to withstand seawater or other environmental influences but are too large to be galvanized.  

The costs for damage caused by rust run to billions of euros. Having to renovate or rebuild structures earlier than planned wastes money, consumes energy and raw materials, and causes unnecessary emissions. Protection against corrosion is thus essential for both business and the environment. 

Sustainable corrosion protection with Dynasylan® SIVO 140 

Today, highly effective protection against corrosion is possible without a severe impact on the environment. With Dynasylan® SIVO 140, Evonik has developed a binder that can be used for zinc dust paints, which is based on water and contains virtually no solvents, allowing users to meet ever more stringent legal requirements. 

The water-based system offers myriad other advantages too. For instance, the coating is easy to process and dries quickly: A wet coat with a thickness of 250 μm is grip-proof in just 15 minutes at an ambient temperature of 20°C. For thinner coats measuring 90 μm, it takes just ten minutes. That means no long waiting times until the top coat can be applied. This also saves time and money, as only two coats need to be applied and not – as is the case with conventional systems – a third. 

When combined with a top coat of siloxane hybrid binding agent SILIKOPON® EF, which has an extremely high solids content, the formulation achieves the highest corrosion protection class, C5. Depending on the thickness of the protective layer, a single coating can extend the service life of steel parts by more than 15 years – even when subjected to high air humidity or the impact of salt. 

However, even the best corrosion protection is of little use if it does not stick to the surface. Silanes are perfectly suited as adhesive agents, as they stick to both the surface of the substrate and the top layer in equal measure. The innovative two-component zinc dust paints also benefit from this property: Dynasylan® SIVO 140 adheres to most metallic surfaces and bonds just as well with the top coat. It is also far more heat resistant than organic binding agents and reacts with the substrate as soon as it is applied. The formulation can be brushed or sprayed on, depending on the application – no special equipment is needed. 

A true all-rounder: also ideal as an additive 

Dynasylan® SIVO products are not only used as a primer, however. They are also perfectly suited as an additive, as their compatibility with the other components has been enhanced yet further.  

The benefits at a glance: 

  • Water-based and thus environmentally friendly 
  • Quick-dry coating 
  • Easy to process 
  • Very good adhesive qualities 
  • Two-coat system saves time and money